Pilates improves posture, tones the body and improves flexibility. This is a form of exercise working on the central core of the body.
Would you like to feel more flexible? Would you like to improve posture, balance and co-ordination and improve strength in your back and abdominal muscles? 'Stretch & Flex' is a gentle low-impact Pilates-based class for all age-groups using focussed breathing techniques to support the exercises; this brings the added benefit of increased lung capacity, increased body-awareness and lowering of stress levels.
Yoga comes from the Sanskrit word meaning to unite and therefore implies perfect harmony of body, mind and spirit. The course is suitable for every stage of yoga and aims to give knowledge of yoga and fitness and brings with it many benefits.
This course is designed to take into account the various aches and pains which accumulate as we get older. Learn some exercises to target trouble spots such as lower back pain, the techniques of relaxation, how to stretch safely to remain supple. Learn how to breathe with awareness which will give you mental focus and inner tranquility.
Reduce feelings of stress with Yoga and improve positivity and mental wellbeing.