Reaching for the Skies!
Haidar, is a young Syrian who came to Pembrokeshire with his family in March 2017. Having very little knowledge of English at the time, Haidar was offered English classes through Learning Pembrokeshire and attended ESOL (English for Speakers of other Languages) classes. ESOL classes have supported Haidar in his studies, helped him make new friends, and obtain work in a local Indian restaurant where he practices his English with the customers and staff.
In the time he has been coming to classes Haidar has been encouraged to put his English to good use. He has passed his driving test and gained a certificate in Food Safety and Hygiene. Haidar saw an opening to produce and sell traditional Syrian food to local families which he continues to do through his market stall. On his stall Haidar has the opportunity to strengthen his English language skills and save towards funding his further education and vision for his future. In 2018 Haidar also progressed to full time study at Pembrokeshire College where he is studying mechanical engineering. His dream is to become a pilot.
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